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Writing the Hero's or Heroine's Journey

  • 6 Jul 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • San Diego Writer's Ink

""Writing the Hero’s or Heroine’s Journey

Cornelia Feye

San Diego Writers Ink

4 weeks, July 6, 13, 20, 27, Thursdays from 1-3 PM

When asked why there are so many stories about heroes, Joseph Campbell replied: “Because that’s what’s worth writing about.”

From Ancient Greek Mythology, to Fairy Tales, and classic movie scripts, the most powerful and impactful stories follow the patterns of the Hero’s Journey. Campbell, C.G. Jung, as well as Clarissa Pinkola Estes among many others have written and explored the phases of the Hero’s Journey. Each life can be a hero’s journey in its own right, leading to self-awareness and self-realization. 

In this class, we will begin each session with such a story, illustrated with paintings and prints by international artists. Odysseus in ancient Greece, to two tales with female heroines, and Star Wars’ Luke Skywalker are included. Participants will first analyze the stages and patterns in the stories, and then create their own hero or heroine, based on the archetypical structure and their own life experiences. We will work on outlines of stories that follow the 12 steps of the hero’s journey, through departure, obstacle, failure and return.

Note: This event is not sponsored by SDWEG. No registration is accepted on SDWEG's website. Check out the organization's website for information, including whether registration with them is required for the event.

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