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2024 Submission Guidelines

Watch the video below to get all the details!

Short Stories only

that address the theme

Good Luck or Is It

The 13th Edition of The Guilden Pen Anthology will include Short Stories ONLY. The publication schedule has been changed to every other year - this means the 13th edition will be published in October of 2025.

In the future, editions may focus on Memoirs and/or Nonfiction and Poetry.

All SDWEG members in good standing are invited to submit their short stories for review and possible acceptance for publishing in the 13th Edition of the Guild Pen Anthology.

The submission must address this year’s theme of GOOD LUCK or IS IT? and follow all of the technical guidelines for submission listed on this page.

Remember, a theme is the meaning of the story. If you are unsure of what it means to write using a theme, this blog from Grammarly may help. In addition, this blog post from 2022 provides additional information regarding how a theme may be reflected in a short story.


  • Only submissions that adhere to the guidelines will be accepted.
  • Submissions for 13th Edition open on May 1, 2024, and close on October 31, 2024. The date of your email will determine submission date.
  • Only short stories of up to 3,500 words will be accepted.
  • You may submit up to three stories, however the total word count may not exceed 3,500 words. 
  • Multiple submissions must be emailed individually.
IMPORTANT:  All submissions must:
  • Be received, by email, within the Open Submission period - May 1, 2024 through October 31, 2024
  • Be a short story of 3,500 words or less addressing the theme Good Luck or Is It? 
  • The author understands that further copyediting may take place after submission is accepted.
  • Be double-spaced
  • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font
  • Have 1-inch margins on all sides
  • Be a word document with .doc or .docx, no PDF or Pages documents will be accepted.
  • Not contain headers or footers
  • Not have page numeration 
  • Not show the Author’s name on any of the manuscript pages submitted
  • Be edited for spelling, punctuation, verb tense and other grammar issues prior to submission
  •  Include a cover page that is NOT part of the manuscript. This page must include: 
    • Title Including the words Short Story, i.e. Billy Goes Home - Short Story 
    • Brief statement telling us why you believe your story reflects the theme - GOOD LUCK or IS IT?
    • Word Count
    • Author Name and Pen Name if different
    • Contact email 
    • Contact phone number. 

IMPORTANT: If you find you need help with any of the technical aspects of the guidelines or with finding a good person to look over your piece before submitting it, remember that you are member of a group of dedicated writers and editors. Contact a fellow Guild member for assistance. If you are unsure who to ask and you have checked the website, PLEASE contact someone on the Board of Directors and they will be more than happy to offer names of prospective writers and/or editors for you to contact.

                      We welcome members to join the anthology production team. If you are willing to review submissions, edit submissions, design the interior or the cover of the book, proofread the submissions,  or contribute in another way, please add your name to this volunteer worksheet.

                      We hope you will step up to the challenge and submit your short stories to our 13th Edition Anthology.

                      On a personal note, it’s a great way to add to those publishing credits; and, as our major fundraiser, your contribution will help support the mission of the SDWEG which is: To Promote, Support, and Encourage the Writing Arts.

                      So, get writing!

                      Tamara Merrill
                      Managing Editor

                      If you are not a member and would like to submit your work for consideration, please follow the link below to join the Guild.

                      Join the Guild

                      HOW TO SUBMIT:

                      ONLY Short story email submissions from Guild Members in good standing  that follow all of the submission guidelines will be considered. 

                      The submission period is open from May 1, 2024,  to midnight on  October 31, 2024.

                      Email your submissions to:


                      Tamara Merrill - Managing Editor

                      You may contact Tamara by email at:


                      Become a member

                      Contact us

                      Looking to join a dynamic community of fellow writers and editors benefiting from professional development programs, critique services, publication opportunities, and interpersonal connections, all with a mission of making a difference in people’s lives? We’d love for you to join us!


                      2307 Fenton Parkway, Ste. 107-266

                      San Diego CA 92108


                      Privacy Policy

                      Copyright 2021 San Diego Writers and Editors Guild

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