Below are a number of Writers Conferences happening around the US in April this year.
April 3-7, 2024: Monterey Writers Retreat Conference (Pacific Grove, CA).
Join us on the wondrously scenic and soothing Monterey Peninsula in Pacific Grove for the express purpose of working intimately with experienced author and agent professionals. Know that writers of every kind have journeyed for over a century to this location on the California west coast. They come in search of inspiration, individuality, purpose and vision, but more importantly, to share an understanding that art has preceded their arrival in the form of a brutally beautiful sea and windswept shore. https://montereywritersretreat.com/
April 6-7, 2024: South Asian Literary Association Annual Conference (Virtual).
In the 2024 annual meeting of SALA, we take seriously the call for collective action, coalition building and solidarity between Black and South Asian peoples across the world in the aftermath of Black Lives Matter and new awareness about anti-Asian racism. https://southasianliteraryassociation.org/
April 11-13, 2024: 21st Las Vegas Writers Conference (Las Vegas, NV).
This year – and every year – the 21st Las Vegas Writers Conference is dedicated to helping writers of all genres improve their craft, sharpen their business skills, and network with publishing professionals. Held each spring, this year’s conference will draw virtual attendees from around the world. Pitch sessions with literary agents and editors are included in the price of registration. Writers will have the opportunity for one-on-one mentoring sessions with faculty members and other published authors. https://lasvegaswritersconference.com/
April 18-21, 2024: The 2024 Chanticleer Authors Conference (Bellingham, WA).
What makes the Chanticleer Author Conferences so special? Most importantly, the attendees! You are what makes this conference so special. Learning from the experts – Learn from the Best! Learning from each other and Networking and making new friends and connections. https://www.chantireviews.com/chanticleer-conference/
April 25-27, 2024: NWG Annual Conference (Omaha, NE).
The Nebraska Writers Guild offers three days of consultations, critique boot camps, and shop talk seminars. Appointments with literary agents like Kristina Slater are first-come, first-served, and have no extra cost. This conference is perfect for writers who would rather focus on intimate group or pair discussions rather than large panels. Workshops are capped to allow for in-depth discussion and a focus on networking without small talk. https://nebraskawriters.org/news-events/annual-events/annual-conference.html
April 25-28, 2024: 31st Annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference (Colorado Springs, CO).
Jazz up your Writing: The Roaring 20s comes to the Pikes Peak Writers Conference!
Pull out your flapper dresses, fedoras & channel your inner Gatsby. We’re going to Paris 1920 to learn from the best: Hemingway, Stein, Joyce, Beach, Eliot, the Fitzgeralds. https://conference.pikespeakwriters.org/
April 26–28, 2024: 7th Annual Sonoma Valley Authors Festival (Sonoma, CA).
The Sonoma Valley Authors Festival Brings people together to hear authors from a variety of literary genres and speakers who discuss advances being made in science, technology, and medicine. https://svauthorsfest.org/
April 27, 2024: Atlanta Self-Publishing Conference (Atlanta, GA).
They offer the Atlanta Self-Publishing Conference annually for authors who are interested in self-publishing or who have self-published and want to get the most out of their publishing business. https://atlantawritersclub.org/aspc/
To find more later in the year, visit: