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Geminga 2023: $500 for Tiny Prose, Poetry, Graphic Novels, or Art

2 Mar 2023 11:07 PM | Lisa Hagerman

Geminga is a neutron star so small it was difficult to detect. It was named, in part, for a transcription of gh’è minga, meaning “it’s not there.”

With Geminga: $500 for Tiny Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, or Art, Sunspot Lit honors the power of the small. No restrictions on theme or category. Word limit is 100 for fiction and nonfiction. Micropoetry is limited to 140 characters. Graphic novels should be 4 pages or less.

Close: March 31, 2023

Entry fee: $10

Authors and artists can view the guidelines and enter via Submittable: or Duotrope:

Opportunity provided by:
Sunspot Literary Journal

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